IR Magazine’s Retail Investors report examines retail investment levels and attitudes toward individual rather than institutional investors. Findings in this report are based on data from the IR Magazine Global IR Survey conducted in Q1 2021. By...
IR Magazine’s Human Capital Management report examines the impact on IR of workforce treatment and personnel decisions, both within the company and in the supply chain. Findings in this report are based on data from the IR Magazine Global IR...
Based on a survey of more than 900 corporate IR professionals, the Global Investor Relations Practice Report 2020 looks at how IR teams operate worldwide. The report contains insights on important issues including: IR budgets IR team sizes and...
Sponsored by Bank of America Merrill Lynch The IR Magazine Global Roadshow Report 2020 is our 11th annual research report into the who, where, how and why of corporate roadshow activity. Findings are based on a survey of 456 IR professionals...
Sponsored by Innisfree IR Magazine’s Covid-19 and IR report is a study of how the Covid-19 pandemic and social measures to combat it have affected investor relations. Findings in the report are based on 187 interviews with IROs, investors and...
Sponsored by Glass Lewis The IR Magazine Measuring E&S report is an analysis of investors’ and IR professionals’ views and opinions on E&S data providers. Findings in this report are based on data from the IR Magazine Global IR Survey January...
Sponsored by Nasdaq Almost one-third (29 percent) of nominations submitted for the proxy statement categories at the 2019 Corporate Governance Awards prominently discussed their company’s efforts to include E&S information in the proxy statement...
Sponsored by EQ IR Magazine’s Small-Cap IR report is an analysis of investor relations at small-cap companies in comparison to the practice of IR at companies of all cap sizes. Data is taken from the IR Magazine Global IR Survey over the past...