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Jul 21, 2022

Best Practice Report: How to add ESG talking points to your earnings call

ESG topics have often been considered as long-term-oriented. But a growing number of companies are raising ESG talking points on their earnings calls and ESG strategy is now a crucial component of corporate and investor communications. Analysis by FactSet of the S&P 500’s earnings calls from June 15 to September 5, 2021 shows there was a record high in the number of firms mentioning ESG – up to 150 companies.


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Not only that, but companies that mention ESG factors in earnings calls are also performing better. Goldman Sachs’ analysis of earnings transcripts from the past five years among companies in the S&P 500, the STOXX Europe 600 and the ASX 200 finds that those mentioning particular ESG keywords ‘displayed better ESG performance, momentum and target settings versus peers with no ESG commentary in earnings calls.’

This new best practice report by IR Magazine, in partnership with Notified, examines the evolving practice of including ESG talking points on your earnings call, including tips for companies at any stage of developing their ESG practice and an exploration of tying these processes into their wider annual IR program.

This report inspires IROs to consider which ‘ESG life stage’ their organization may be at and how to not only benchmark and measure that performance but also how – and how often – to share that story. The report raises the key ESG aspects to feature in your earnings calls that investors want to hear.

Go beyond expectations and achieve excellence with the report’s recommendations for post-call engagements, evaluations and monitoring.

The key benefits IROs will get from reading the report include:

  1. Determine where your company on its ESG journey, where is it going and how are you measuring progress
  2. Why you should make value creation, measurable data and CEO buy-in among your ESG cornerstones
  3. How to go next-level with post-call evaluations and analysis.


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