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Apr 30, 2002

Go west!

This year the largest gathering of investor relations professionals, the National Investor Relations Institute (Niri) annual conference, will take place at the Marriott Desert Springs Resort in Palm Desert, California, June 3-6. Those who have been to one of the institute's annual conferences before know this event will be well attended and packed with information. Those people attending for the first time should prepare themselves for a whirlwind of activity.

This year the largest gathering of investor relations professionals, the National Investor Relations Institute (Niri) annual conference, will take place at the Marriott Desert Springs Resort in Palm Desert, California, June 3-6. Those who have been to one of the institute's annual conferences before know this event will be well attended and packed with information. Those people attending for the first time should prepare themselves for a whirlwind of activity.Niri promises this conference

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