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Aug 14, 2013

Capita director to launch voting data service

Nick Dawson to head up new global shareholder analysis firm

Nick Dawson, the former managing director for Capita’s investor relations business, is set to launch a worldwide voting analysis service that promises to give an insight into what shareholders really want.

The service, called Proxy Insight, will analyze voting records from key investors across the globe. Further research will explain why each investor might have voted the way it did, in an effort to reveal to firms what their own shareholders are hoping for.

The platform will present a combination of detailed voting information alongside an overview of the principles of each institution involved.

Dawson will be joined by experienced financial information professionals Nick Arnott and Kerry Pogue, who co-founded Activist Insight after working together at Preqin.

‘Key initiatives like the UN PRI [Principles for Responsible Investment] and the UK Stewardship Code demonstrate how seriously share owners are now treating the relationship with their investments,’ says Dawson.

‘Good corporate governance is no longer a tick-box exercise to appeal to a niche group of investors, but a real set of principles which aim to deliver stronger returns over the long term and mitigate risk in the short.’

Proxy Insight is due to launch toward the end of the year.

Darren Mitchell, formerly head of investor relations sales at the Financial Times, has taken over Dawson’s role at Capita.

Laurie Havelock

Laurie has been part of the IR Magazine team for more than a decade, starting out as a reporter and research editor before becoming editor in 2023. He was previously acting business editor at the i newspaper and deputy business editor at The Daily...
