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Sep 11, 2016

Asia bucks global trend in direct targeting

Globally, reduction levels average just 2 percent

According to the latest research report from IR Magazine, companies generally have either maintained or increased their levels of direct targeting over the past three years. Asia, however, bucks this trend.

The report takes a closer look at direct targeting, asking 665 IR professionals whether they are spending their time dealing directly with the buy side or continuing to use the sell side as an intermediary. 

The data shows that 7 percent of IROs in Asia have reduced their direct targeting of investors. This compares with 2 percent in the US and just 1 percent in Europe (2 percent is also the global average).

There is further variation by industry sector: 10 percent of communications companies have reduced their contact with the buy side, while no industrial, technology or utility companies have cut their direct targeting.

Overall, close to half (49 percent) of IROs surveyed have increased direct targeting of investors over the past three years, with the highest percentages among IROs at mega-cap companies, 60 percent of whom say they have increased their levels.

You can find the full report on direct targeting here.

