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Sep 30, 1996

City Profile: Spotlight on Stockholm

There's more to Stockholm than saunas and smargasbords. Double dot your a's and o's and you could find some funds to chase, too

Scandinavia is mobile telephone land. Nowhere is that more evident than in the affluent streets of Stockholm. Every other conversation is interrupted by a muted ring followed by the all too familiar frantic scramble in pocket or bag. Ericsson and Nokia have the local populace hooked on staying in touch. The Swedes may be good communicators in one sense, but they are not famed for their openness in another field. Investor relations still has to really make its mark. Erik Ã…fors

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Richard Carpenter

Covering investor communications, sustainability and employee engagement, Richard Carpenter has worked with the likes of Aviva, Facebook, Alibaba, HSBC and the London Stock Exchange. Before joining Bladonmore, he was CEO of MerchantCantos, part of...
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