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Sep 25, 2011

Riyadh hosts IR conference

Saudi Arabia is leader in IR development in region, states ME-IR Society board member

Listed companies in Saudi Arabia had the opportunity to tune up their IR practices at a conference hosted by the Middle East Investor Relations Society (ME-IR Society) last week.

The event, co-hosted by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, brought together 25 Saudi companies for a day of workshops and networking. It was the first dedicated IR conference in Riyadh, according to ME-IR Society.

The conference underlined the leading position of Saudi Arabia in terms of IR development in the Middle East, according to Peter Gotke, an ME-IR Society board member and vice president at BNY Mellon.

‘[It] is events such as these that draw the IR community together, and make you realize that, in terms of size and sophistication, the IR community in the kingdom is in many ways the leader in the region,’ Gotke says in a statement.

‘Allied to that, you have ever-increasing foreign investor interest, and therefore increasing demands and pressures on the IR officers. We are pleased the society will support this growth.’
